Your return shipment is FREE of charge! Yes, That's Right 100% Free!  

All you have to do is contact us, via email, within 15 days of receiving your order, and we will email you a return label at no cost!

Each return label is assigned to a specific return. If you don't see the option to return multiple items in the same box during the return process, don't include items from multiple orders or shipments in the same box. It could prevent your refund from being processed correctly.

What can I return?

You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by within 30 days of delivery. 

What items are eligible for the option of a FREE return? offers free returns on most items delivered to an address in the 48 contiguous United States. 

All you have to do is contact us, via email, within 15 days of receiving your order, and we will email you a return label at no cost! 

When will I get my credit?

Most returns are fully credited to your account within 3-5 days after receiving and processing your return.  

Does DealsXS offer replacements and exchanges?

Yes, Just let us know your order#, full name, address, and the reason, and we will exchange your item for no extra charge!

Have more questions? Contact us, and we will answer writing 24-48 business hours! 

Thanks for shopping