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Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Liquid Hand Soap, Cruelty Free and Biodegradable Hand Wash Made with Essential Oils, Rhubarb Scent,Green 12.5 oz - Pack of 3

$91.41 USD
$53.77 USD

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Product description

  • Hard-working, non-drying soap for busy hands
  • Liquid Hand Soap made with essential oils, aloe Vera, olive oil, and other thoughtfully chosen ingredients
  • Rain water aromatherapy hand Soap has a scent so clean, hinting of white flowers
  • Paraben Free Hand Soap that also made without phthalates or artificial Colors
  • Mrs. Meyer's produces Cruelty free Hand soaps. None of our products are tested on animals

Scent:Rain Water

Mrs. MEYER'S CLEAN DAY hand soaps are specifically made to clean and freshen hands without drying, while also providing a special, singular scent for your entire home. Drops of Rain Water fall on leaves and noses and fill the air. Our Rain Water scented hand soap has a scent so clean, hinting of white flowers. Splash in a puddle This hard-working hand soap formula contains olive oil, aloe vera, and essential oils, that clean and freshen hands. These thoughtfully chosen ingredients create a non-drying yet softening soap for busy hands. Made without parabens, phthalates, animal-derived ingredients, and always a cruelty free soap. Also available in other garden inspired scents and products such as body lotions, laundry detergents, candles, and so much more Mrs. Meyer’s – rooted in goodness.

Los jabones de mano de Mrs. MEYER'S CLEAN DAY están hechos específicamente para limpiar y refrescar las manos sin secarse, mientras que también proporcionan un aroma especial y singular para toda su casa. Las gotas de agua de lluvia caen sobre hojas y narices y llenan el aire. Nuestro jabón de manos perfumado de agua de lluvia tiene un aroma tan limpio, insinuando a flores blancas. Salpicar en un charco Esta fórmula de jabón de manos dura contiene aceite de oliva, aloe vera y aceites esenciales, que limpian y refrescan las manos. Estos ingredientes cuidadosamente elegidos crean un jabón sin secar pero suavizante para manos ocupadas. Fabricado sin parabenos, ftalatos, ingredientes derivados de animales y siempre un jabón libre de crueldad. También disponible en otros aromas inspirados en el jardín y productos como lociones corporales, detergentes para ropa, velas, y mucho más Mrs. MEYER'S – arraigado en la bondad.

סבונים לידיים של Mrs. MEYER'S CLEAN DAY מיוצרים במיוחד כדי לנקות ולרענן את הידיים ללא ייבוש, תוך מתן ניחוח מיוחד וייחודי לכל הבית שלכם. טיפות של מי גשם נופלות על עלים ואפים וממלאות את האוויר. לסבון היד שלנו בניחוח מי הגשם יש ריח כה נקי, רמז של פרחים לבנים. התז בשלולית. נוסחת סבון ידיים קשה זו מכילה שמן זית, אלוורה ושמנים אתריים, שמנקים ומרעננים את הידיים. מרכיבים אלה שנבחרו בקפידה יוצרים סבון שאינו מתייבש אך מרכך לידיים עמוסות. עשוי ללא פרבנים, פתלטים, מרכיבים שמקורם בבעלי חיים, ותמיד סבון ללא אכזריות. זמין גם בניחוחות ומוצרים אחרים בהשראת גן כגון תחליבי גוף, חומרי ניקוי כביסה, נרות ועוד הרבה יותר Mrs. MEYER'S - מושרשים בטוב.

Mrs. Meyer 's Clean Day Handseifen sind speziell hergestellt, um die Hände zu reinigen und zu erfrischen, ohne einzutrocknen und gleichzeitig einen besonderen, einzigartigen Duft für Ihr gesamtes Zuhause. Tropfen Regenwasser fallen auf Blätter und Nase und füllen die Luft. Unsere Handseife mit Regenwasser duftet so sauber, mit einem Hauch von weißen Blumen. Spritzen Sie eine Pfütze. Diese hart arbeitende Handseifen-Formel enthält Olivenöl, Aloe Vera und ätherische Öle, die die Hände reinigen und erfrischen. Diese sorgfältig ausgewählten Zutaten erzeugen eine nicht trocknende und dennoch weichmachende Seife für beschäftigte Hände. Ohne Parabene, Phthalate, tierische Inhaltsstoffe und immer eine tierversuchsfreie Seife. Auch erhältlich in anderen von Garten inspirierten Düften und Produkten wie Körperlotionen, Waschmitteln, Kerzen und vielem mehr.

صابون اليد مستر مايرز كلين داي مصنوع خصيصًا لتنظيف وإنعاش اليدين دون تجفيفها، مع توفير رائحة خاصة فريدة لمنزلك بالكامل. تسقط قطرات ماء المطر على الأوراق والأنوف وتملأ الهواء. صابون اليد المعطر بالماء المطري الخاص بنا له رائحة نظيفة للغاية وتلمح من الزهور البيضاء. تتطاير في البرك. تحتوي تركيبة صابون اليد هذه على زيت الزيتون وخلاصة الصبار والزيوت العطرية، التي تنظف وتنعش اليدين. هذه المكونات المختارة بعناية تخلق صابون غير جاف ولكنه ناعم للأيدي المشغولة. مصنوع بدون بارابين وفثالات ومكونات مشتقة من الحيوانات ودائمًا صابون لم يُختبر على الحيوانات. متوفر أيضًا بروائح ومنتجات أخرى مستوحاة من الحديقة مثل لوشن الجسم ومنظف الغسيل والشموع والكثير من السيدة مايرز - التي جذورها في الخير

Os sabonetes para as mãos Mrs. MEYER'S CLEAN DAY são feitos especificamente para limpar e refrescar as mãos sem secar, enquanto também fornecem um aroma especial e singular para toda a sua casa. Gotas de água da chuva caem nas folhas e narizes e enchem o ar. Nosso sabonete perfumado para mãos Rain Water tem um aroma tão limpo e indica de flores brancas. Salpicos em uma poça. Esta fórmula de sabão para as mãos contém óleo de oliva, Aloe Vera e óleos essenciais que limpam e refrescam as mãos. Estes ingredientes cuidadosamente escolhidos criam um sabonete que não seca e suave para mãos ocupadas. Feito sem parabenos, ftalatos, ingredientes derivados de animais e sempre um sabão sem crueldade. Também disponível em outros aromas inspirados no jardim, como loções corporais, detergentes de lavanderia, velas e muito mais Mrs. MEYER'S – enraizado em bondade.

Mrs. MEYER'S CLEAN DAY 洗手液专为清洁和清新双手而制作,不会干燥,同时为您的整个家庭提供特别的独特香味。 雨水滴落在树叶和鼻子上,填充空气。 我们的雨水香味洗手液气味非常干净,闻起来有白花。 在水坑中嬉戏。这种勤劳的洗手液配方含有橄榄油、芦荟和精油,可清洁和清新双手。 这些精心挑选的成分为忙碌的双手创造一种不干燥但柔软的肥皂。 不含对羟基苯甲酸酯、邻苯二甲酸盐、动物衍生成分,并且始终是无动物实验的肥皂。 还提供其他花园风格的香味和产品,如身体乳、洗衣液、蜡烛等等 Meyer's - 根植于优质的 Mrs. MEYER'S

Mrs. MEYER'S CLEAN DAY 洗手液專為清潔和清新雙手而設計,不乾燥,同時為您的整個家庭提供特殊的獨特香味。 水滴雨落在樹葉和鼻子上,並填充空氣。 我們的 Rain Water 香氛洗手液具有清新、微白花朵的香味。 水坑濺水 這款勤奮的洗手液配方含有橄欖油、蘆薈和精油,可清潔雙手。 這些精心挑選的成分可以為忙碌的雙手創造不乾燥但柔軟的肥皂。 ​ 不含對羥基苯甲酸酯 (paraben) 、鄰苯二甲酸鹽、動物萃取成分,永遠是無動物實驗的肥皂。 也提供其他花園風格的香味和產品,如身體乳液、洗衣精、蠟燭等等,Mrs. MEYER'S 等等,以善良為根源。

Mrs. Meyer의 Clean Day 핸드 비누는 건조하지 않고 손을 씻고 상쾌하게 만들면서 집 전체에 특별한 독특한 향기를 제공합니다. 빗물이 나뭇잎과 코에 떨어지고 공기를 채웁니다. 우리의 빗물 향기 핸드 솝은 흰 꽃을 암시하는 깨끗한 향기가 있습니다. 웅덩이에 물뿌리기 이 힘든 손 비누 포뮬러에는 올리브 오일, 알로에 베라 및 에센셜 오일이 포함되어 있어 손을 깨끗하게 하고 상쾌하게 합니다. 이 신중하게 선택한 성분들은 바쁜 손을 위해 건조하지 않지만 부드럽게 만드는 비누를 만듭니다. 파라벤, 프탈레이트, 동물 유래 성분 및 항상 동물 실험을 하지 않은 비누로 제작되었습니다. 또한 바디 로션, 세탁 세제, 양초 등 정원에서 영감을 얻은 향기와 제품에도 사용할 수 있습니다. 메이어 부부가 더 좋은 곳에 뿌리를 두고 있습니다.

Shipping Policy

Free Expedited Shipping on All Orders.  Shipping times vary with an expected delivery of 3-5 days.  Need it sooner?  Select Express shipping for delivery in 1-2 days.  All shipping times are independent of order processing. With the exception of USPS Postage stamps***

We process orders between Monday and Friday. Orders will be processed within 2 business days of ordering and shipped the next day after the processing day.  Please note if you ordered multiple items we will try our best to ship them together however they may ship in multiple packages. We don't ship on weekends or Holidays. In situations where products are in high demand, processing time can take longer than 3 working days.


***All US Postage Stamp Booklets are shipped by standard envelope via USPS without a confirmation/tracking number to ensure we can provide Free Shipping on these items. Please allow 10-14 business days for the delivery of postage Stamps



We only ship to the contiguous United States. Please contact us if you have any questions at

Please ensure all delivery information is correct. If there is incorrect and/or missing information, we may be required to contact you to update the delivery information, which may cause delays in delivering your order. Delays may also occur as a result of customs clearance.

Your order may be delivered to you by either the local post office or a local courier. Depending on your area, most orders will be delivered by your local post service, so the package will be received with your regular mail. If you are not home when the delivery is made, a notice card may be left by the postal service to advise on how and where your delivery can be collected.


International Shipping Policy

We offer international shipping to many countries around the world. Please note that international shipments may be subject to customs fees, taxes, and other charges, which are the responsibility of the buyer.

Shipping Times:

  • USPS: 2-3 weeks for delivery
  • UPS: 1-2 weeks for delivery

Please note that these are estimated shipping times and can vary based on your location, customs processing times, and other factors beyond our control.

Shipping Methods: We offer two shipping methods for international orders:

  • USPS First-Class Mail International: This is our standard shipping method, which offers affordable rates but may take longer for delivery.
  • UPS Worldwide Expedited: This is our faster shipping method, which offers more reliable and faster delivery times, but comes at a higher cost.

Please note that some countries may have restrictions on certain products or shipping methods, and we reserve the right to cancel orders or change shipping methods based on these restrictions.

Tracking: All international shipments will include tracking information. Please note that tracking information may not be available for all countries or for all shipping methods.

Returns and Refunds: We accept returns for international orders within 30 days of delivery, as long as the items are in their original condition. Please note that we do not refund shipping fees or any customs fees, taxes, or other charges incurred during shipping.

If you have any questions about our international shipping policy or would like more information about shipping to your country, please contact us before placing your order


About Customs, Duties & Taxes

Recipients of international shipments may be subject to import taxes, fees, and customs duties (hereafter, "Import Fees"), levied by the customs office of your shipping destination. Import Fees vary according to the customs regulations of the destination country. Components that play a role in Import Fee calculations are (among others):

  • Product category and price

  • Shipping costs and package weight

  • Customs clearance channel

  • Import taxes based on custom duty amounts

Customs policies vary widely, and some countries don't charge Import Fees for shipments that fall below a minimum value. Contact the customs office of the destination country for more information.



Import Regulations

The recipient is the importer of record and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the destination country. Customs delays can affect original delivery estimates.


  • Customs offices in some countries or regions require the importer of record to provide a form of identification before releasing a shipment, such as a Passport, Tax ID, etc.

*Please note that these are estimated delivery times only, therefore DealsXS is not guaranteeing delivery dates.

*International Shipping - Seller reserves the right to change shipping carriers if needed based on the weight and size of the package.


What payment types do you accept?

  • We currently accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

Is it safe to use my credit card on your site?

  • Yes! The safety of your personal information is very important to us. For your security, we do not store your credit card information. We use a wide array of the best-in-class electronic and physical security measures and devices to protect your personal data and credit card information from unauthorized access.

What’s a Security Code?

  • Security codes, sometimes called card verification (CCV) data, are the digits (usually 3) on the back of your credit card. For cardholder security, we ask you to input these digits during checkout

Why can’t I check out?

  • There are a few reasons why you may not be able to complete checkout. Here are some solutions:
  • Credit Card Number or CCV: Double check that your credit card number has been properly entered, ensuring that no spaces are between any of the numbers.
  • Zip Code/Billing Address: Take a second look at your zip code, ensuring that you’ve input it properly.

How do I know my order went through?

  • You know you have successfully placed an order when you get to the Order Confirmation page, which will list your order number. You will also receive an email confirmation of your order.

Can I cancel my order?

  • As long as your order is still processing, we will do our very best to cancel your order once you have contacted us. Due to our goal to process orders as soon as we receive them, we cannot guarantee an order can be canceled once it is placed. If you’d like to cancel your order, please contact us via email at

​Are there any hidden or surprise fees or charges?

  • On purchases, you will pay for the cost of the items you order plus any applicable taxes, and that's it!

Why do I sometimes see different prices for the same item?

  • Our insider's list emails and site homepage display the lowest listed price for a given product. Some products are available in different sizes, colors, styles, or other options that may be listed at higher prices. For example, a set of twin-size bed sheets may cost less than that same set in king-size.

My question isn’t answered here. How can I get in touch with someone at DealsXS?

  • If you have any questions or concerns that were not addressed in this FAQ or on our Policies or About Us pages, please feel free to contact us via email at

Where do you ship from?

  • Our awesome teams ship directly to you from over 80 warehouses & suppliers around the US.  Our main warehouse is located in Chicago, IL.

How much does shipping* cost?

  • All items ship to you for free throughout the US.  International shipping coming soon. 

How do packages ship?

  • It depends on what you're ordering. Each supplier has a contract with the carrier of their choice, so it could be USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc. 

How long will it take to receive my order?

    • We ship from across the U.S so shipping times vary. In most cases, your item will ship within 1 business day. We do ask that you allow up to 2 to 5 business days total (business and standard) for your order to be shipped and delivered, just in case there are any unexpected delays. Express orders will ship & deliver within 24-72 hours.
    • We offer international shipping to many countries around the world. Please note that international shipments may be subject to customs fees, taxes, and other charges, which are the responsibility of the buyer.
  • International Shipping Times:

    • USPS: 4-8 weeks for delivery
    • UPS: 1-2 weeks for delivery

Will I receive a tracking number for my order?

  • Yes! When your order ships, you will be emailed a tracking number. Please note, it can take up to a week for that tracking number to appear on the carrier’s website.

Can I upgrade my shipping?

  • YES! Free Expedited shipping available on all order. Want it faster? For $9.99 We will express your order VIA USPS Priority Mail Service. 

What if I order multiple items? Will they ship together?

  • Not necessarily, as we deal with hundreds of suppliers across the country and throughout the world. Your items will likely ship separately.




    Do I have to pay for shipping back to DealsXS when I return an item?

    • ALMOST-FREE RETURNS! HASSLE-FREE! Read more about our AWESOME return policy here.

    How long do I have to return an item?

    • For most items, you have 15 days from the receipt of delivery to make a return eligible.  For more details please see our Returns page. Product Conditions offers deals on hundreds of thousands of Products-damaged, returned, open-box, and pre-owned products. A used or open box item purchased from can be returned within 30 days of receipt of shipment. Renewed products come with the Renewed Guarantee giving you a replacement or credit within 30 days of purchase if the item does not work as expected.




    All of our products go through a quality check prior to being sold. We use conditions such as "Open Box" to give you an understanding of the overall condition the product is in. We then help you better understand the item condition by listing comments unique to that item.


    An item that has been inspected and tested by or an performance-managed supplier, to work and look like new. The item has minimal to no signs of wear, or visible cosmetic damages when held from 12 inches away. Product may come repackaged. All accessories will be present, though some may be generic brands. The product comes with the Renewed Guarantee giving you a replacement or credit within 30 days of purchase if the product does not work as expected.

    Open Box

    An item in perfect working condition. Original protective wrapping may be missing. The original packaging may have minor damage, or item may come repackaged. Package damage is clearly defined for each item. All accessories are present.


    **Almost-Free Returns is available ONLY for customers that pay the additional re:do coverage at checkout. The delivery addresses must be within the 50 states of the United States only, including Alaska and Hawaii. Almost-Free Returns is available to APO/FPO addresses when using a United States zip code only. Additional geographic shipping restrictions may apply to particular products. 

    **Almost-Free Returns is NOT available for International Orders, For more info please email us.

    View full details

    Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Liquid Hand Soap, Cruelty Free and Biodegradable Hand Wash Made with Essential Oils, Rhubarb Scent,Green 12.5 oz - Pack of 3